Civil litigation
Civil Litigation is perhaps one of the broadest areas of law. Basically it deals with any disputes over contracts or disputes between people concerning goods or services.
At Lions Chambers LLC we specialise in resolving disputes in a cost effective manner.
Being served a Writ of Summons means someone has filed a lawsuit against you (or your company) in the Singapore Courts.
To Defend this lawsuit, you MUST file a Memorandum of Appearance within eight (8) days.
Failing to file a Memorandum of Appearance would mean that the other party is entitled to obtain whatever they've asked for in their Statement of Claim. This means they would obtain a Default Judgement against you.
You need to file a Writ of Summons and your Statement of Claim in the Singapore Court system.
You will then need to serve these two essential documents on the person you are suing.
Failing to follow the proper procedure would be disastrous to your case. Your case may be delayed or worst thrown out of Court (dismissed by a Judge).
It's best that you speak to us before you commence your litigation journey.
No, the Statement of Claim which forms the foundation of your lawsuit has to be drafted well, if your claim is vague or lacks certain critical particulars the Court may dismiss your case or you may have to spend more money rectifying mistakes.
Unless you've been legally trained and have years of experience we highly recommend getting professionals on board to assist you. We've seen too many good claims fail due to poorly drafted court documents.
Lawsuits are expensive. Depending on the complexity of the matter and the number of documents that need to be reviewed and referenced it could mean that a lot of time would be spent on your matter.
As the matter progresses in Court you may need to file additional documents or take out various applications. Advising you, preparing these documents means that more time and effort spent on your matter.
No, at Lions Chambers LLC, we've resolved many cases without having to use litigation as an option. Typically we advise clients to view litigation as the last resort.
Do speak to us regarding your matter, our Consultation is Free.
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