There are benefits to having an IOU drafted when loaning anyone money or items.

Having an IOU drafted by a Lawyer gives you even more benefits when there is a dispute.


An IOU is a written document where both the lender and borrower agrees to the specified terms.

These terms should minimally include the following points:

  • The date on which the money or item was loaned;
  • The specifics of what was loaned
  • The full details of the lender and borrower (Name, NRIC No, Address, Contact details);
  • The repayment or return terms; and
  • The interest rate (if any).


Yes, You may be friends now, but what happens when they fail to return you your money or your items?

An IOU is an insurance plan, when things go wrong at least you have a document to rely upon to help you recover what is due.

Do speak to us today on how we can assist you.

Yes, unless specifically stated an IOU can be relied upon for a period of six (6) years from the date on which payment ought to have been made. 

This time frame is explicitly mentioned in the Limitation Act.

You need to ask yourself why your friend is being dodgy? Does he/she know that she won't be able to return you your money or property?

We believe that if the borrower is genuine, they would have no issues signing an IOU.

Do speak to us if you would like us to negotiate with your borrower on your behalf. 

If you have an IOU then you may sue your friend for the return of the money or property owed.

If you do not have an IOU, it is best that you speak to us first so that we may find solutions for you. 

Yes. If you have read this far why not speak to us? Our consultations are free.

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Turning to a friend or family member for help is common in times of financial woe and hardship. But what is next after generally extending a loan with an IOU recorded? What are the procedures of recovering the debt and interest in accordance with the law? [...]
Every now and then, we come across clients who’ve waited too long before approaching a lawyer to commence their civil claims against someone else. No matter how justified their claim is, and no matter how unjust it would be to deny them relief in the courts, their claims are barred by the law because they waited too long. [...]
So You Want To Sue Someone – The Civil Litigation Process in Singapore The following steps list out the basic processes and timelines for civil litigation in Singapore – from commencing litigation to appeal and enforcement. Commencement and Default Judgment Process • The Plaintiff will file a Writ of Summons or an Originating Summons, usually with a Statement of Claim. [...]
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Whether you’re signing off on a simple tenancy agreement or a multi-million dollar joint venture agreement, contracts are part and parcel of life and business. Many disputes and problems can be avoided if you read your contracts properly, with a keen eye for detail and some knowledge of legal terminology. Of course, the best thing to do would be to approach a lawyer to review a contract you are about to enter into. Lawyers are familiar with contract law and have developed a keen understanding of various types of clauses and how to draft them, even challenge them. Lawyers may also negotiate for amendments to terms and conditions in the contract which are not favourable to you. [...]
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So, you’ve signed a contract, ready and willing to do all it takes to ensure that you perform your side of the bargain and receive what the other side promised. However, something crops up – the other side now claims that you’ve breached the contract. But you think you have an excuse. In many cases, even if you’ve technically breached the contract, the law affords you several defences which may allow you to avoid liability (partially or fully) for breaching the contract and reduce your exposure to damages. These defences will enable you to be released from certain conditions in the contract or the whole contract. [...]
The most common breach of tenancy agreements is the late or non-payment of rent. The tenancy agreement normally allows the Landlord to re-enter the premises and terminate the tenancy upon non-payment for a stipulated number of months/days. The agreement also typically allows the Landlord to forfeit the deposit. In addition to the above, the Landlord may sue the tenant in the civil courts of Singapore to claim his or her dues. This typically takes three forms. [...]
These claims are typically called remedies for breach of contract. There are 2 types of remedies – common law remedies and equitable remedies. • Common law remedies include damages and quantum meruit. • Equitable remedies include specific performance and injunctions. The main practical difference between these 2 types of remedies is that equitable remedies are at the discretion of the courts – even when you win the case in court, the court may decline to award equitable remedies, but it must always allow for common law damages to be claimed and awarded, because damages are available ‘as of right’. [...]