Dispute Resolution

Stopping Debt Collectors Harassment

If you fail pay your debts, you may see debt collectors coming to your place to ‘encourage’ you to pay-up. Such cases are getting more and more common. There are cases where debt collectors are jailed by displaying aggressive behaviour and insulting words in a residential area in the late hours of the evening. Some Debtors are even harassed while they were at work.

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Enforce a Foreign Judgment in Singapore

The answer to this question is, generally, yes you can.
3 statutes govern this issue, namely:
• Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act (Cap 264) (RECJA).

• Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (Cap 265) (REFJA).

• Choice of Court Agreements Act (Cap 39A) (CCAA)

In cases which are not covered by the 3 statutes mentioned above, recourse may still be had to the common law.

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Defences to Defamation in Singapore

At any point, anyone may leave a post that goes viral. This is especially alarming for any business, as every business relies on its reputation to bring in clients and customers. Therefore, it is no surprise that business owners take defamatory posts very seriously. Of course, this also extends to claims between individuals as nobody would want to be defamed.

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